Thursday, March 6, 2008

Feds Will Leave 180 Miles Of New Mexico Border Unwatched!


The state said there will be a six month gap of vulnerability at the border when feds pull National Guard troops.

Sate homeland security said the National Guard on the border will leave in July, six months earlier than expected. Officials said border agents won’t take over until December at the earliest, leaving more than 180 miles of border virtually unwatched.

The original plan was to have the National Guard watch the border until 6,000 new agents could be properly trained.

Border patrol officials said that won’t happen until December, but state officials said that’s not stopping the feds from pulling the plug early.

State officials said the feds are not saying what’s behind the early withdrawal of guard troops from across the country.

The state said the withdrawal leaves the New Mexico border vulnerable.

"We'll create a window where the smugglers and the cartels and the border criminals may try and take advantage of," said Tim Manning of New Mexico Homeland Security.

Homeland security said heavy patrols and new fencing in Arizona and Texas means there will be a funneling effect of immigrants and smugglers into New Mexico.

Obama says America is a 'bully'

Presidential candidate calls for more diplomacy, less bluster

2008 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – In his election-night speech from San Antonio, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama called for America to rely more on diplomacy and less on bluster, characterizing recent U.S. policy as "bullying."

In the context of a blistering critique of U.S. policy in Iraq, Obama said: "It's the same course that continues to divide and isolate America from the world by substituting bluster and bullying for direct diplomacy."

Obama did not specify where America was acting in the bully role.

Obama, and his wife, Michelle, have been criticized by some Republicans for what appears to be increasingly harsh rhetoric critical of both America's domestic and foreign affairs. READ MORE

Above photo by: Sons of Apes and Pigs

Monday, March 3, 2008

Support the Federation

All anti Jihad organizations and their members are welcome!

Everything you wanted to know about our enemy but were afraid to ask.

Please join their forum. This website is not politically correct!

Future two party system

Sunday, March 2, 2008

I've always liked this movie

Border Patrol agents by illegal alien criminals

This is unacceptable. Why isn't this story blasted all over TV and radio stations? Because the American people are more interested in Britteny Spears and the Hollywood pill popping clan. Slime sells. Our numb and brain-dead fellow Americans need a serious reality check.

The brave BP agents are risking their lives daily to protect our asses. Turn of the pill poppers.

People really think Obama would be good for National Defense?


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