Friday, February 22, 2008

Obama mentor identified as communist

Frank Marshall Davis 'discussed American imperialism, colonialism, exploitation'


The mysterious "Frank" cited as a friend and adviser by Democratic president contender Barack Obama while he was growing up in Hawaii has been identified as Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the old Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA.

The identification comes from Cliff Kincaid in his column, "Obama's Communist Mentor," which was made available on the Accuracy in Media website.

"Let's challenge the liberal media to report on this," he wrote in his column. "Will they have the honesty and integrity to do so?"

Kincaid, who earlier reported on Obama's pending plan to ship $845 billion overseas to battle "global poverty" as evidence of his socialist leanings, said the newly revealed connection is even more worrisome.

"Obama's communist connection adds to mounting public concern about a candidate who has come out of virtually nowhere, with a brief U.S. Senate legislative record, to become the Democratic Party frontrunner for the U.S. presidency," he wrote.

In Obama's book, "Dreams From My Father," he repeatedly refers to his friend and adviser as "Frank."

"The reason is apparent: Davis was a known communist who belonged to a party subservient to the Soviet Union. In fact, the 1951 report of the Commission on Subversive Activities to the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii identified him as a CPUSA member. What's more, anti-communist congressional committees, including the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), accused Davis of involvement in several Communist front organizations," Kincaid said.

Kincaid noted Obama has admitted attending "social conferences" and seeing Marxist literature. "But he ridicules the charge of being a 'hard-core academic Marxist,' which was made by his colorful and outspoken 2004 U.S. Senate opponent, Republican Alan Keyes."

He described the link as "ominous." CONTINUED

The Real Barack Obama

By Ronald Kessler

Michelle Obama’s comment that, for the first time in her adult life, she feels proud of America helps crystallize who Barack Obama is.

To be sure, the wife of a candidate is perfectly free to have views that are distinct from her husband’s. But on a matter that is so fundamental to one’s being as love of country, it is difficult to imagine that Michelle Obama would publicly twice make such a statement suggesting disdain for America unless she felt it comported with her husband’s views.

Equally important, her statement aligns perfectly with the hate-America views of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama’s minister, friend, and sounding board for more than two decades. On the Sunday following 9/11, Wright characterized the terrorist attacks as a consequence of violent American policies. Four years later, Wright suggested that the attacks were retribution for America’s racism.

“In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01,” Wright wrote in his church magazine Trumpet. “White America and the Western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just ‘disappeared’ as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.”

Wright has been a key supporter of Louis Farrakhan, and in December, honored the Nation of Islam leader for lifetime achievement, saying he “truly epitomize[s] greatness.”

Farrakhan has repeatedly made hate-filled statements targeting Jews, whites, America, and homosexuals.

Those who think two of the closest people to Obama could publicly make anti-America statements unless Obama himself felt that way, are fooling themselves. To date, Obama has proven himself to be nothing more than a great orator, rendering the statements of those around him even more important in illuminating his true character and agenda. During his Senate career, he skipped 17 percent of the votes and sponsored only one bill that became law. That bill was to promote “relief, security, and democracy in the Democratic Republic of Congo.” READ MORE

Thursday, February 21, 2008

DHS Warns Of Pregnant Prosthetic Belly Bombings

(American Congress for Truth) We’ve seen terrorists use children and individuals with Down Syndrome as carriers of bombs.

The link below will take you to a news report and video about the latest – women wearing suits that make them look pregnant, but actually hold a bomb inside.

Clearly, no low is too low to stoop for those intent on wreaking havoc and destruction in the name of their ideology.

I Want My Matricular Consular

BY James E. Horn

Mexican consulates are busily issuing Matricular Consular cards to people who come to them claiming to be Mexicans. The vast majority of those claiming their Matricular Consular cards are in the United States without Mexican passports or visas. They crossed the border illegally and are therefore criminals.

Mexican officials deny that these criminal aliens have broken the laws. Mexican officials continually claim that California, Nevada, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico are Mexican territory seized from Mexico 160 years ago. So be it. I live in one of those five states along with about seventy-five million others who are truly American citizens, as well as citizens of those five states.

Now, taking into consideration the claims of Mexican officials that these five states are Mexican, that would make us seventy-five million eligible for Matricular Consular cards.

Accordingly, we should all go to the Mexican consulates nearest us immediately and claim, nay – demand our Matricular Consular cards immediately. Walk right up thee in large groups and demand our rights, our Matricular Consular cards, and refuse to step outside of the line until our demands are met. Then we can demand Mexican passports, start buying beachfront property in Mexico as Mexican citizens, vote in Mexican elections and have a real impact on Mexico.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why A Muslim Should Never Be Allowed Into Politics In America.

2/07/2008 Loyalist Staff Writer

’Obama! Obama!’, the crowds cheer. They are a growing mass of Americans who are following their new leader. And if their leader gets elected, they believe he will bring change to the country. But they have no idea how right they are.

Obama was raised a Muslim, a fact that many Americans know, but don’t understand the relevance of. What’s more extraordinary, Obama has said on numerous occasions that he is proud of his Islamic heritage, and although he has stated that he is a practicing Christian, he believes that his ’background’ will help him relate to the Islamic world in a constructive way.

We must not let our guards down to his charms. We must recognize the unbelievable inherent threat of electing a once-practicing Muslim to the highest office in our country. And we must also understand that he may very well be the biggest wolf in sheep’s clothing that our country has ever endured.

Many Americans will argue, that even though he may be a Muslim, he is not a terrorist or an extremist. But the greatest threat to our country comes not from Islamic terrorists or ’extremists’, but from ordinary, everyday Muslims and Muslim supporters.

For terrorists and ’extremists’, jihad means acts of terrorism, war and violence. Yet there is a far greater war being fought; an everyday jihad, fought by everyday ’moderate’ Muslims, where the daily goal is simply to increase the power, authority and dominance of Islam. Whether it is writing a letter, instigating defamation litigation, or protesting schools that include ’The three little pigs’ in their curriculum, all jihad is the empowerment of Islam at the expense of America and her non-Muslim citizens.

There can be no shared ground with Islam. Muslims, by their very nature, are committed to transforming every area they live and work in into an Islam-dominated world. And freedom for Islam, is doom for anything and anyone else.


CAIR bites it

The UAC brings us great news:

CAIR Loses Tax Status?

A major victory in the fight against Jihad has apparently occurred. Somewhere in the dead of night, without any known announcement from the organization, the highly controversial Washington DC based group CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations has apparently lost the tax status which enabled it to conduct lobbying activities. The organization was registered for many years under the IRS tax code 501c(4) which allowed the organization to conduct lobbying activities, campaign funding, legislation and candidate backing, and many other government and litigation related activities. A 501c(4) tax status is very difficult to maintain, requiring quarterly public filings, and is very regulated under strict lobbying laws, yet is the most powerful tax status for organizations wishing to influence government. CAIR, who was under this status, had numerous members of their leadership indicted on terrorism related charges in the past, and had received large amounts of funding from questionable foreign sources. Many critics of the group often wondered how CAIR was able to hold on to such a highly critiqued tax status such as 501c(4). In contrast there is another tax status which is much weaker, and one that is very easy for most anyone to receive, and that status is 501c(3), a status which U.S. tax laws prohibit such organizations from engaging in large amounts of lobbying and government influence activities, it is a status for educational groups and churches, which is greatly restricted in the ability to influence any kind of legislation. CAIR has recently downgraded the description of their organization on their website to 501c(3). While calls to their office could not confirm the reasons, it appears that CAIR may have lost the status as of the first of this year.

Note, the current organization description on CAIR's website reads:
"CAIR is a not-for-profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under U.S. Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)."

While internet archives of the site as of June 2007 read as follows:
"The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is a nonprofit 501(c)(4), grassroots civil rights and advocacy group."

Chalk one up for the good guys.

This is what I'd like to see on my highways


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