Sunday, September 23, 2007


Protests Against Ahmadinejad on Monday
Sun, Sep 23, 2007 at 3:06:15 pm PST

What: Ahmadinejad to speak at luncheon at National Press Club by videolink
When: Protesters needed from 11:00-2:00. Come for however long you can.
Where: Washington, DC: National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW Please note: Attendance inside is limited to NPC members, their guests and accredited media only. Our protest will be held outside of the NPC Building at the corner of 14th and F Streets NW which is close to the Metro Center metro station. For More info: Contact Meagan Buren at 202-230-7389 or Brandon Gray at 202-857-6627

What: Rally led by Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the Jewish Community Relations in cooperation with United Jewish Communities, UJA-Federation of New York and Jewish Council for Public Affairs. Speakers include Debra Burlingame, sister of Charles F. “Chic” Burlingame, III, (Capt., USNR, Ret.), pilot of American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11.

When: 12 p.m. (rain or shine)

Where: NYC: Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 2nd Ave. at 47th St.(across the street from the UN) For more info: Conference of Presidents, 212-318-6111 or or the JCRC, 212-983-4800, ext. 161 or
MONDAY, SEPT. 24: What: Rally by students from Columbia and dozens of other organizations. When: 12:30 - 3 p.m.

Where: NYC: Outside Columbia University at W. 116th St. and Broadway- only people with Columbia student IDs will be allowed on campus. The main protest will happen on Broadway on public space next to the building where Ahmadenijad is speaking, so even non Columbia people can protest at this event.

This is still OUR FLAG!

America gets flipped off by Iran

Down with USA, Down with Israel

(Patriot76USA) Well the golden monkey should have landed at JFK by now. His going-away parade was a visual flipping off to the American people to show how our Constitution and her freedoms will be used against us as a weapon. Why isn't Bloomberg kicking this dirty cockroach off sacred New York soil. There are over 3,000 souls asking why. There are 3,000 souls surrounding Columbia University and the evil United Nations asking America to not take this next slap in the face!

Airport with footbaths turns to intimidation

Questioner told to 'not try to stir the pot on this topic'

By Bob Unruh, WND

An official with Kansas City International Airport apparently has tried intimidation in an effort to eliminate discussion about the recently installed footbaths, after repeated denials they are intended for Muslims to perform their footwashing ritual before their prayers.

"That's the way I perceived it," Kevin Peterson told WND in a telephone interview.

Peterson said he shares his name with a union steward for the Air Traffic Controllers Union at Kansas City's airport, but he is not the same individual. He was sent an e-mail from airport spokesman Joe McBride, who assumed he was writing to the union steward.

"The Indianapolis Star reports that the Indianapolis Airport is installing Muslim foot-washing basins in an upcoming renovation," Peterson wrote. "The paper says that Muslim footwashing basins are already installed at KCI.

"Are you planning to issue a denial as to the purpose of the KCI basins to the Indianapolis Star?" he asked.

"I assume you are the Kevin Peterson who is the union steward for the air traffic controllers union," the e-mail signed, electronically, with McBride's name, said.

"Point number one on the first e-mail suggests that your [sic] are in the control tower near the cab facility. I read your previous e-mail on this topic. Your stance is not in the best interest of the airport and the federal government, your employer," the e-mail said. CONTINUED

Foot-washing benches at Kansas City International Airport

(photo: Phillip Morgan)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

There has to be a more aggressive approach to Columbia University inviting the Iranian golden monkey to speak

(Patriot76USA) I posted below an article from William Kristol which was published in the Weekly Standard, both the Weekly Standard and Mr. Kristol are highly respected.

I doubt highly that a student boycott would ever work. It's obvious how one-sided the university is. They allowed the criminal assault against the Minuteman president Jim Gilchrist's first amendment right to speak there. The university administration acted shamelessly responding to the anarchist behavior of some of the students and outsiders depriving Mr. Gilchrist's right to free speech. I don't care if you agree or disagree with Mr. Gilchrist, he had a right to speak. I agree that if those in attendence spoke out of turn, they still had a right to speak. But Mr. Gilchrist was so attacked that he couldn't finish his speach. With the protections now put into effect by university's public safety leaders, this pending speech by the new Adolph Hitler will be protected.

Mr. Gilchrist is an American who holds the view of the majority of Americans regarding the immigration crisis. He hurt no one. Jim Gilchrist , nor the Minutemen have ever helped some country kill American citizens or citizens of any other country for that matter. Achmadinejad, the Iranian golden monkey and his Mullahas are helping the jihadists in Iraq KILL and INJURE American troops. They are threatning to nuke Israel. There is an obvious jihad-coddling fad in many universities across America. These Jihad coddlers will attend, no matter whether there is a boycot in place or not.

The administration dwarfs of Columbia University are now putting protections in place for the Iranian golden monkey to exercise our constitutional freedom of speech on an American campus.

The most disgusting photo of the year will be the one with Columbia University's president Bollinger hugging or shaking hands with Achmanidad.

I personally don't think New Yorkers will allow this to happen. New Yorkers are a different breed of American and not to be screwed with in any way. This is the royal screwing.

Boycott Ahmadinejad

William Kristol, The Weekly Standard

A Columbia student asked how he could effectively protest his university's invitation to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak Monday. My first response was to suggest petitions, e-mails to President Bollinger and the university trustees, letters to the student paper, peaceful protest, and the like. All these are fine. But then I had a second thought. There might be one form of protest that would be effective both in showing appropriate disgust for the Iranian regime, and in shaming the Columbia administration: A total student boycott of Ahmadinejad's speech. Let the Iranian president (and the Columbia president) look out on, and speak to, a sea of empty seats on Monday.

The rationale for a student boycott is simple: The Iranian government is directly involved in killing and wounding American soldiers in Iraq. CONTINUED

Friday, September 21, 2007

Ahmadinejad to Speak @ Columbia University

September 20, 2007 at 3:06 pm · Filed under ACTION ALERT, East Coast Events (U.S.), Anti-Israel Events

News has just broken that Columbia’s SIPA school has once again invited Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia. He is coming Monday Sept 24th. Ahmadinejad has frequently denied the right of Israel to exist, and has also denied the Holocaust, and recently Iran drew up plans to bomb Israel
Video: Ahmadinejad “Death to Israel”

Video: On the Holocaust:
As we write this, there are plans by dozens of organizations to protest right near Lerner Hall, where he is speaking, during the speech (1:00-2:30pm). Lerner Hall is right on W. 116th and Broadway.
COLUMBIA STUDENTS (w/ Columbia ID’s): Show up to Lerner Hall anytime between 12:30-2:30PM. Hillel and many other student groups from across the spectrum will be protesting. Bring signs and posters!

OTHERS: As of now, we are talking to NYPD to have a place near Lerner Hall to stage a protest. If you do not have a Columbia ID, you will not be allowed on campus. But Lerner Hall is right on Broadway, a public street, so there will be a place to PROTEST. Until further details come out, plan to arrive on Broadway and 116th during the time of the speech.
More details to follow!

Click here to get protest signs:
Remember - the world is watching. This is a monumental opportunity to make our voices heard. Generations will ask us, What did we do to protest? Where were we? CLICK HERE FOR MAP

Stop Ahmadinejad From SpeakingAt Columbia University !!!

He was involved in taking Americans hostage at our embassy in Iran in 1979.

He's repeatedly threatened America.

He's declared that Israel should be "wiped off the map."

He's denied the Holocaust ever occurred.

He's the President of the world's leading sponsor of terrorism, a nation getting closer every day to acquiring nuclear weapons.

And he's being given a platform to spread his "odious and repugnant ideas" at Columbia University!

Join American Congress for Truth as we fight to stop this outrage! Join us in calling on Columbia University President Lee Bollinger to reverse his decision and not allow Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak at this prestigious university.

Sign the "Stop Ahmadinejad" petition today, and we will send the petition (names only) on Monday morning to Columbia University President Bollinger.

Forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to do the same!

What Columbia University is doing is not only political correctness run amok, it actually provides aid and comfort to Iran and radical Muslims everywhere.

They will revere Ahmadinejad as a hero who has not only threatened the United States, but thumbed his nose at us as he walked on our soil. Muslims venerate defiance and force - and by giving Ahmadinejad a forum, Columbia University will elevate his stature throughout the Muslim world.

Join us today to let Columbia University know that what they are doing is foolishly empowering the world's leading terrorist nation and giving aid and comfort to our sworn enemies, at a time when we are at war with Islamic terrorism. Sign the "Stop Ahmadinejad" petition today!


(STOP THE OCCUPATION OF NYC BY THE UN) Islamic nations push through IAEA vote against Israel

The Islamic bloc has replaced the Soviet bloc as the largest unified voting bloc in the UN. Here are the results: when the IAEA's attention should be focused on Iran, they do this instead. By Mark Heinrich for Reuters (thanks to Twostellas):

VIENNA, Sept 20 (Reuters) - Islamic nations, targeting Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal, pushed through a U.N. atomic watchdog resolution on Thursday urging all Middle East nations to renounce atomic weapons.
The vote was 53-2 but with 47 abstentions by Western and developing states, highlighting reservations that the resolution politicised the International Atomic Energy Agency's work.
The decision was non-binding but symbolised international tensions over Israel's presumed nuclear might and shunning of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), and it frayed the traditional consensus culture of the Vienna-based IAEA.
A similar measure calling on all Middle East nations to adopt IAEA safeguards on nuclear work passed overwhelmingly at last year's IAEA general assembly, with only Israel and top ally the United States opposed, as they were again on Thursday. SOURCE


Thursday, September 20, 2007

39 indicted in four money transfer schemes

Suspects used more than $5 million from undercover agents, U.S. attorney say

By Nick Madigan, Sun reporter

Federal officials today indicted 39 people, some of them Pakistani operators of convenience stores in Eastern Shore communities, with a host of charges that include money laundering, conspiracy to bribe public officials and operating unlicensed money transferring businesses that dispatched cash around the world.

One of the defendants, Saifullah Ranjha, who lives in Laurel, was also charged with attempting to finance al-Qaida.

During a news conference this afternoon at his office in downtown Baltimore, U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein said most of the defendants were under arrest -- at least 16 of them in Maryland -- and that an additional six had been arrested last night. Rosenstein said all the indictments were the result of sting operations going back four years, during which suspects illegally used a total of more than $5 million provided by undercover agents.

The sting operations, collectively called Operation Cash-Out, yielded evidence of four separate criminal schemes involving at least 46 people in the U.S., Canada, Spain, Belgium, Britain, Australia and other countries, as well as in Maryland, Wisconsin, New York and New Jersey. The result was the four separate indictments unveiled today.

"These are carefully choreographed investigations," said Rosenstein, who was flanked by officials from Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service, all of which worked in concert with law enforcement agencies in the other countries involved. "Our goal is to send a pretty strong message: that we'll disrupt these operations and that these money pipelines are being monitored."

In most cases, the money laundering schemes used hawala, a system under which funds are transferred from one place to another, often different countries, through an informal network of people using codes. Although the system is not illegal, U.S. law demands that large money transfers to overseas locations be reported to federal officials and that such businesses have commercial licenses. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the hawala system has been suspected of playing a role in financing some terrorist activities.


Iran Promises "Final Response" to US and Israel on October 12

by Ezra HaLevi

( Iran has promised a devastating “final response” to supporters of the Jewish State on October 12, the Islamic Republic’s Quds (Jerusalem) Day.

“Supporters of the Zionist regime will receive their response during the world Quds Day's rallies,” Iranian government spokesman Gholam-Hossein Elham said at a weekly press conference Wednesday.

According to the state-controlled Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA), Elham was describing Iran's planned response for US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's visit “to the occupied Palestine [sic].”


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Silly Sally Field doesn’t speak for me

By Michelle Malkin

Update: Another mother Sally Field doesn’t speak for: Ginger Gilbert, wife of downed pilot Maj. Troy Gilbert, who blasted the media and morale-undermining anti-war forces for using al Qaeda video of her husband’s desecrated body “as a political catalyst to generate anti-war sentiment.”

Update: Patricia Heaton, on the other hand, does speak for me.

Blundering moonbat Sally Field inspired my column this week:

Like actress Sally Field, I am a mom. Unlike Sally Field, I do not live in La-La Land. We breathe a different brand of oxygen. We hold diametrically opposed worldviews. We have nothing in common but stretch marks.

Contrary to tongue-tied Sally’s incoherent Primetime Emmy Awards diatribe, childbearing and childrearing experiences do not bond all women in a universal sorority of non-confrontation. There are sheep moms. There are lion moms. We know which kind Sally Field is.

“If mothers ruled the, ruled the world, there would be no god-damned wars in the first place,” Field bleated. In the Gidget Guide to Parenting, mothers are appeasers and hand-holders. Our maternal instincts supposedly lead us to shun fights and coddle bullies instead of disciplining them. CONTINUED


Indicted co-conspirators on the war against Islamic jihad, CAIR takes the next step and warns Bush, threatens him. This group must be banned and designated a terror entity. The willful studpidity must stop. It must stop at the White House.


CONTINUED on the Atlas Shrugs website

For those of us who love our cigars

The fight to beat back a very onerous cigar tax is heating up as a deadline of October 1st draws near. Can you help us? Today is national fax day in an effort to let our legislators know our displeasure with the proposed increase of $3 per cigar. If possible, please take a minute and let your legislator know your feelings. Every message is important. Thank you.

Liberty Tobacco

Thursday, September 20 is National Fax Day! Fax your Senators and Congressmen and urge them NO NEW CIGAR TAXES!
Let's Hit Congress Hard and Fast!

Take Action!
Thursday September 20-- Fax Your Senators and Congressmen!

Stop the Federal Cigar Tax!
Congress has decided on a framework for the Federal Cigar Tax proposal, but much work is left to finalize the legislation. Opportunities exist for further compromise.
As part of an inter-industry coordinated assault on Capitol Hill, September 20 will be NATIONAL FAX DAY to Congress. Spread the word! Let's him 'em hard and fast!

From former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani regarding the Iranian Golden Monkey's visit to Ground Zero

"Under no circumstances should the NYPD or any other American authority assist President Ahmadinejad in visiting Ground Zero. This is a man who has made threats against America and Israel, is harboring bin Laden's son and other al-Qaeda leaders, is shipping arms to Iraqi insurgents and is pursuing the development of nuclear weapons. Assisting Ahmadinejad in touring Ground Zero - hallowed ground for all Americans - is outrageous."


(Patriot76USA) The United Nations has taken up prime real estate in New York long enough. With all of the uncovered corruption and proof of impotence by this self proclaimed ruling world body.
Our Founding Forefathers risked life, limb and personal wealth to free us from England. Blood was shed in New York to defend our freedom as it was throughout the new world. As a slap in the face of our founders, we agree to host a world body to have sovereignty on American soil. The UN is controlled by dictators and tyrants from many third world nations who can't even provide for their own people. They wear expensive suits, ride in limos and commit misdemeanors with impunity and diplomatic protection. Not to mention all the parking tickets. The UN continuously slams the USA and Israel. It is anti-American and anti-Israel. Every time I see an American President speak with that UN backdrop, I want to vomit.
The United Nations is occupying American land. Why, with all the negative information about this evil empire, do we the people of the United States continue to host and pay for it's existence. Why is the NYPD, the finest police department in the world, having their officers escorting the Iranian Golden Monkey from wherever he lands to the UN building and if the story is correct, to Ground Zero as well? The Secret Service has to be close enough to him to smell Achmadinejad's armpits.

This is all being done as an insult by Iran. There will be no progress at this meeting of the mindless. Iran will still stick with their demands and most likely ask for more. All the while, he will be welcomed and applauded by the UN General Assembly.
I hope the Iranian Golden Monkey gets a warm welcome from real Americans.


Thug-In-Chief asks to see his comrades' handiwork

Jihad Watch
Islamic Chutzpah Alert: "U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero: Talks Underway After Iranian Requests a Visit," by Sarah Garland in the New York Sun (thanks to Ray).
In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.
The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, which will jointly oversee security during the leader's two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against his country for its uranium enrichment program. READ MORE

Jihad Awareness Project

Are you interested in participating in the U.S. Senate project I've mentioned in the comments threads at and other sites? If you are, send an email to me at traehnam[at] under the subject heading "Senate", and in the email tell me what state your senator represents, an email address where I can reach you, and a nickname. No need for your real name. And I'll never share your email address with anyone, not even with other volunteers on this project.
Once we have at least 100 people interested, we can coordinate our timing so we all mail Robert Spencer's new book to the U.S. Senate simultaneously.
And you can volunteer even if we already have two volunteers for your state, because then we can begin to cover not only the Senate, but the House of Representatives also. For example, we currently have eight volunteers from Florida. The more the merrier.

Rights group, Muslims sue FBI over mosque surveillance

(Patriot76USA) Before I post a few paragraphs from this story, I just want
to know that someone will comment on this. These Islamic and leftist activist groups have sued universities over foot-washes, whine about taxi drivers having the right to deny passengers because they have seeing-eye dogs or are carrying alcoholic beverages in their groceries, they threaten law suits against passengers post 9/11 for observing suspicious and unusual activity on a commercial airline, Mosques are used
regularly in the Arab world to hide weapons and have had suspected terrorists
plan attacks or collect money from Muslim charities and Mosques. Now, the FBI, who is responsible for investigating terrorism is being sued. Like they say, 100% of Muslims are not terrorists, but in the most recent attacks around the world, 100% of the terrorists were Muslims. This can't be allowed to happen. They're doing their

The Associated Press

SANTA ANA, California: Muslim advocacy groups and a leading civil liberties organization sued the FBI and the Justice Department Tuesday for allegedly failing to turn over records detailing suspected surveillance of the Muslim-American community.

The complaint, filed in U.S. District Court in Santa Ana, alleges that the FBI has only turned over four pages of documents to the community leaders despite a joint Freedom of Information Act request that was filed more than a year ago.

The FOIA request sought records that described the FBI's guidelines and policies for surveillance and investigation of Muslim religious organizations, as well as specific information about FBI inquiries targeting 11 different groups or people.

The lawsuit states that all the plaintiffs — who include some of the most prominent Muslim leaders in California — have reason to believe they have been investigated by the FBI since January 2001. CONTINUED

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Voz de Aztlan at it Again

By Jim Nutting

Ernesto Cienfuegos of the anti American and anti Semitic Voz de Aztlan( is at it again. Voz de Aztlan is a cockroach ridden website I have written much about in the past. Cienfuegos recently posted on his site that the Ejercito Popular Revolucionario (EPR) not to be confused with the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, has claimed responsibility for the bombing of six Mexican PEMEX oil facilities on Monday. Cienfuegos also brags that an EPR spokesman told Cienfuegos' news service that they also claim responsibility for bombings in two other Mexican states in July.

EPR is a supposed revolutionary militia that is out to free the poor Mexican population. One can obviously see that the EPR is more like a Marxist type rebellion. According to Cienfuegos, EPR told his news service Voz de Aztlan that they blew up the facilities accusing Mexico's past President Vicente Fox and current President's Calderon for selling out Mexican petroleum interests to the USA.

This was all done to harm the already poor and corrupt Mexican economy. The Voz de Aztlan thrives on anything that will keep the Mexican people down. If the economy looks good, he blames the Zionist Jews and the Americans for threatening Mexico. As much as he and his confused Aztlan theorists believe, Aztlan will take over the southwestern USA. It will never happen. It's laughable to question, why, if Mexico is so corrupt that the people would prosper by taking American land? This would only expand the corruption.

Cienfuegos and his partner, Hector Carreon elevate suicide bombers in Israel and Iraq as freedom fighters. They seem to gloat when our American troops are killed or injured. Most of what they post is about Israel and the alliance of Palestinian Arabs and the Aztlanistas. They use the wall in Israel and our southern borders as their comparison.

According to Cienfuegos, the feds raided his house and computer a couple of years ago. He's managed to cross the line of the first amendment without being locked up. He has actually posted photos from some some porn site with soldiers ( claiming to be American) in uniform raping a supposed Iraqi women. The porno was found and the story was exposed as being false. The uniforms weren't even ones used by American soldiers in Iraq. It makes me wonder if he's stayed out of jail while giving vital information to the government or maybe the site is not in Whittier California like they claim, but in the Middle East.

Cienfuegos posts the flag of the terrorist EPR organization on the top of his article. He also has a few images on the front page of their site that will turn your stomach.

Related Post Presents:

Muslims often complain of the popular "misconceptions" about their religion in the West.
We took a hard look, however, and found that the most deeply held myths of Islam are the ones generated by Muslims and its Western apologists. The only glaring exception to this is the misconception that all Muslims are alike (they aren't), but even Muslims fall into this trap as well, as evidenced by the various contrary factions insisting that they are the true Muslims, while others are either infidels, hijackers, or hypocrites.
Don't be fooled! Hear the myths, but know the truth. CONTINUED

Swedish media rallies around threatened cartoonist

Euro anti-dhimmitude, and a courageous showing from Lars Vilks. An update on this story. From AFP (thanks to Geeza):
"Group's takeover plot emerges in Holy Land case," by Jason Trahan for The Dallas Morning News (thanks to all who sent this in):
Amid the mountain of evidence released in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial, the most provocative has turned out to be a handful of previously classified evidence detailing Islamist extremists' ambitious plans for a U.S. takeover.
A knot of terrorism researchers say the memos and audiotapes, many translated from Arabic and containing detailed strategies by the international Islamist group the Muslim Brotherhood, are proof that extremists have long sought to replace the Constitution with Shariah, or Islamic law.
But some academics and Muslim leaders say that the ideals contained in the documents were written by disgruntled foreign dissidents representing a tiny radical fringe. The documents also pre-date the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, and the 80-year-old Muslim Brotherhood is now either inactive or largely underground in America.
The documents – introduced in recent weeks as part of the prosecution's case in the trial of the now defunct Holy Land Foundation and five of its organizers – lay out the Brotherhood's plans in chillingly stark terms.
A 1991 strategy paper for the Brotherhood, often referred to as the Ikhwan in Arabic, found in the Virginia home of an unindicted co-conspirator in the case, describes the group's U.S. goals, referred to as a "civilization-jihadist process." CONTINUED

Muslim Brotherhood's papers detail plan to seize U.S.

By Jihad Watch

Stop the presses! The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamic supremacist group! It is good to see this article in the Dallas Morning News echoing what we have said here for years. Robert Leiken of the Nixon Center, one of the chief proponents of the idea that the U.S. should negotiate with the Brotherhood, is quoted toward the end still as resolute as ever not to take the Brotherhood at its word, but the Holy Land Foundation is waking up at least some people. CONTINUED

Monday, September 17, 2007

Iran Threatens Missile Strike on Israel, US Targets if Syria Attacked

By Julie Stahl, Jerusalem Bureau Chief

Jerusalem ( - Iran will unleash a barrage of hundreds of missiles against Israel and U.S. targets in Iraq if Iran or Syria are attacked, an Iranian Web site threatened on Monday, in comments linked to an alleged Israeli air strike on a secret Syrian nuclear facility.

The threat comes after weekend reports in American and British media gave details of the alleged Israeli air strike on Sept. 6, in which Israeli fighter planes reportedly bombed a depot holding nuclear materials inside Syria that reportedly had been supplied by North Korea.

The Iranian threat also comes a day after French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said that the international community should "prepare for the worst ... which is war" against Iran.

In response to Kouchner's comments, Iran's official news agency IRNA said in an editorial on Monday that "the new occupants of the Elysee [presidential palace] want to copy the White House" and accused French President Nicolas Sarkozy of taking on "an American skin."

In another apparent reaction to the Syrian incident, the Persian-language Web site AsrIran reported Iran has 600 Shihab-3 missiles that it will launch at Israel the first day that Iran or Syria are attacked, Israel's state-run radio -- the "Voice of Israel" -- said on Monday.


New York Braces for Ahmadinejad

Major Protest Is Set Here; Quai D'Orsay Warns of War

By BENNY AVNIStaff Reporter of the Sun

A major drama is shaping up over the planned appearance at the United Nations next week of the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, with the Jewish community scheduling a protest rally, Mitt Romney calling on the world body to ban the tyrant, and the U.N. Security Council set to consider whether to increase sanctions against the mullahs for their uranium enrichment program.

In Vienna, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, is emerging as the top defender of Iran, arguing at the IAEA's annual assembly yesterday that just as no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, Iran does not present a nuclear menace now. He has been raging against any punitive measures, signing secret pacts with Tehran, and directly confronting not only America, Britain, and Germany but also France, where the Quai D'Orsay is warning of war.

But here in New York, the mood at Turtle Bay is less predictable than in the past, in part because, in sharp contrast to a former U.N. chief, Kofi Annan, Secretary-General Ban has signaled he may side with the West this time. And a Jewish community leadership, animated in part by the success Mr. Ahmadinejad has had in finding allies within the political debate in America, has scheduled a rally on Monday in front of the United Nations.

"It's a message to the world leaders about their responsibility," a vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Malcolm Hoenlein, said. "This is somebody who violated the United Nations charter and should not be given that platform." CONTINUED

Related Story

Failure To Understand

By MARK STEYN, Posted in NY Sun

This year I marked the anniversary of September 11th by driving through Massachusetts. It wasn't exactly planned that way, just the way things panned out. So, heading toward Boston, I tuned to Bay State radio colossus Howie Carr and heard him reading out portions from the official address to the 9/11 commemoration ceremony by Deval Patrick, who is apparently the Governor of Massachusetts. 9/11, said Governor Patrick, "was a mean and nasty and bitter attack on the United States".

"Mean and nasty"? He sounds like an over-sensitive waiter complaining that John Kerry's sent back the aubergine coulis again. But evidently that's what passes for tough talk in Massachusetts these days - the shot heard around the world and so forth. Anyway, Governor Patrick didn't want to leave the crowd with all that macho cowboy rhetoric ringing in their ears, so he moved on to the nub of his speech: 9/11, he continued, "was also a failure of human beings to understand each other, to learn to love each other."

I was laughing so much I lost control of the wheel and the guy in the next lane had to swerve rather dramatically. He flipped me the Universal Symbol of Human Understanding. I certainly understood him, though I'm not sure I could learn to love him. Anyway I drove on to Boston and pondered the Governor's remarks. He had made them, after all, before an audience of 9/11 families: Six years ago, two of the four planes took off from Logan Airport, and so citizens of Massachusetts ranked very high among the toll of victims. Whether or not any of the family members present last Tuesday were offended by Governor Patrick, no-one cried "Shame!" or walked out on the ceremony. Americans are generally respectful of their political eminences, no matter how little they deserve it. CONTINUED

Homegrown Campus Jihadist?

By Robert Spencer

Houssein Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University in Michigan, was arrested on September 8 at Hemlock Park in Detroit. He was wearing camouflage makeup, black clothes, and carrying an AK-47 assault rifle; he reportedly had to be tasered by police when he was arrested. His website features photographs of the Ayatollah Khomeini and a great deal of pro-Hizballah material. Most ominously, on the day he was arrested he uploaded onto his site an image that included a photo of a soldier holding a rifle, with the caption, “The Start of My Personal Jihad (in the US).” Underneath in Arabic was Qur’an 9:20: “Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah’s way are of much greater worth in Allah’s sight. These are they who are triumphant.” The Arabic for “striven…in Allah’s way” is jahadoo fi sabil Allah, which in Islamic theology refers in particular to jihad as warfare.

The start of Zorkot’s personal jihad will have to wait; he is being held on $1 million dollar bond. But his case carries some troubling implications. According to Michigan’s WLNS, police say that on his website Zorkot claims to be a member of Hizballah. If that claim is true, was his abortive personal jihad in Hemlock Park ordered by Hizballah leadership? If so, and if Zorkot had succeeded in murdering anyone in the park, his attack would have been the first known strike by Hizballah on U.S. soil. Even though unsuccessful, Zorkot’s attack, if it was a Hizballah project, would signal an end to the terror group’s policy of not staging attacks in America because the reaction to such an attack would hinder the group’s freedom of action here. Last April, Thomas Fuentes, special agent in charge of the FBI’s International Operations, explained that Hizballah wants to “maintain a low profile by engaging in criminal activity [but] not direct attacks….They’ve not been enthusiastic about doing it on US soil because of the attention and reaction that would occur.” But if Zorkot went to Hemlock Park on Hizballah orders, those days are over -- and Americans can brace themselves for more Hizballah operations here. CONTINUED

U.S. Sovereignty Threatened by U.N. Treaty, Critics Charge

When will we wake up and stop accepting the United Nations as having
dominion over our sovereignty. They are not a part of our three branches
of government. Most of the money that runs the UN comes from the American
taxpayers, not the third world anti-American bottom-feeders running it.
The UN is on occupied territory in Manhattan.

We need to STOP THE OCCUPATION. Now they want to
create the "UN International Seabed Authority". You can't imagine how
dangerous this is for future naval and counter terrorism operations on the high
seas. Below is a great article from NewsMax regarding this pending crisis.

By: Chris Gonsalves, NewsMax

The U.S. is poised to turn much of its authority on the high seas over to international arbiters by ratifying a long-controversial United Nations sea treaty.

Approval of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), a 25-year-old international treaty regulating use of the world’s oceans, is steaming full speed ahead in the Senate, where committee hearings are set to begin Sept. 27.

The full Senate is likely to ratify the treaty -- which would link U.S. naval actions to those of 155 other member nations -- by year's end.

For decades, critics have derided the 182-page Law of the Sea pact as a threat to U.S. sovereignty and naval independence.

They add that it would create a massive new U.N. bureaucracy (the International Seabed Authority); would give environmentalists a back door to greater regulation; and would hinder the U.S. military's efforts to capture terrorists on the high seas. CONTINUED

U.S. scientists aboard the Coast Guard icebreaker Healy are mapping the ocean floor in an effort to claim territory that holds an estimated 400 billion barrels of untapped undersea oil and gas.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

This piece of dirt will be putting his dirty feet on American soil enroute to the United Nations

Achmadinejad will be attending a meeting of the mindless at the Usless Nations (UN) on September 24th 2007. This is only being done as an insult to America. Tehran will probably request special security for this cockroach at American taxpayer's expense. Yeah I know, someone reading this will say that the UN will pay for it. WHERE THE HELL DOES MOST OF THE UN'S MONEY COME FROM? We need any American in the NY metropolitan area that is able to do so, to get involved in this protest. The UN is an anti-American and anti-Israel entity. We need to aggressively convince our fellow Americans to demand the UN off our soil. Below is a link to a PDF flyer to hand out to everyone. Below is a photo of the love Iran has for us.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

UAC Reports: Massive Federation Forms to Confront Radical Islam

WASHINGTON DC, Sept. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- Today on the anniversary of the September 11th terror attacks, a massive federation to combat radical Islam has been officially declared. The Anti-Jihad Federation, as it is being called, is coming to be the name known for any and every organization involved in confronting the threat from Islamic Jihadists. Leading Federation organizers are stressing that the Anti-Jihad Federation is a non-entity, has no charter, and is not an organization or group, but is comprised of any and all organizations and groups resisting the Jihadist threat which faces the West. Although there are many organizations involved in confronting the Jihad, and each have varying views, beliefs, and methods, the Federation is being called a uniting movement with the hopes to add and aid cohesion and communication between organizations currently working to defeat Jihadi threats and supporters. It is being said by many that the establishment of the Federation demonstrates the importance of unity against such threats.

Leading elements within the Federation include many organizations which take part in grassroots activism to confront the threat from radical Islam and to protect the Western world for generations to come. There are many organizations around the globe who are actively involved in confronting Jihad; such organizations include JihadWatch, United American Committee, Vigilant Freedom Group, American Congress for Truth, America's Truth Forum, as well as hundreds of other organizations which are constantly growing as the powerful movement against radical Islam builds. Such organizations comprise an integral part of the growing Federation against the enemies of the Western world. The Federation also includes individuals spanning all ages, ethnicities, religions, and countries, who may not be affiliated with any organization yet who are united in opposing Jihadists.

Though not every organization may be right for everyone, everyone who is against Jihad can find the organization that is right for them through the Federation. Such research can be conducted through the website which lists various organizations involved in the Anti-Jihad Federation. This site also offers resources for individuals wishing to participate in protecting this generation, and the future from Islamic totalitarianism for generations to come.

'Exposed: The Perfect Day'

Could we face multiple, coordinated terrorist attacks against soft targets like malls, commuter trains or schools? Watch a Glenn Beck special report: "Exposed: The Perfect Day." Tonight, 7 & 9 ET. CNN

An Important Appeal From America's Truth Forum


A 9/11 Message from ATF President, Jeffrey Epstein


It's becoming more difficult to achieve our goal of disseminating the truth to the American people and we need your help. America's Truth Forum has scheduled it's third in a series of terrorism symposiums for October 26th-28th in Detroit, Michigan. That's right - the Dearborn area.

Once again, we've assembled a panel of our nation's leading experts on counter-terrorism and radical Islam - knowledgeable and credible authorities that have much to say about the threat we all face.

This very "REAL" threat clearly overshadows that which was posed by the Third Reich. In support of this contention, one must only consider Hitler's ability to mobilize scores of sophisticated, politically-neutral Germans against a non-enemy - innocent citizens. One could only imagine what terrorist organizations might achieve with the support of their radicalized religious leadership. The grim reality of having to fend off thousands, perhaps millions, of hate-inspired suicidal zealots is chilling at best.

Make no mistake; it's the very security and well-being of your children and grandchildren that is clearly at risk. Our citizenry can no longer afford to apathetically remain on the sidelines awaiting news of the a detonation.

Please help us continue in this battle to confront our enemies in earnest. Fundraising efforts have been successful and we're appreciative of all contributions. We are so very close to attaining the funds needed to satisfy the costs of this event. However, our financial coffers are still short the funds necessary and we are appealing to you for your help.
No donation is too small and because we are now a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization every contribution is tax deductible.

If you care about the future of this great country and value our initiative, please contribute today. We desperately need your support to make the Detroit symposium a success. After all, we're fighting, not only for our loved ones, but for your loved ones too.
To help us help America and support this most righteous cause. Please either visit our site at and contribute via the PayPal link or forward your donation to:

America's Truth Forum P.O. Box 802 Glastonbury, CT. 06033


Jeffrey Epstein, President Americas Truth Forum


To quote Winston Churchill:

"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves."

America's Truth Forum

Monday, September 10, 2007

Democrat Senator Schumer Blasts US Troops

Sher Zieve, New Mesia Journal. US

After multiple Democrat Senators (including both Levin and Durbin) said that the US surge in Iraq is working, New York Democrat Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) appears to have decided the time for treason against the USA has arrived and it’s his job to affect it and the complete destruction of our troops. The same troops who are placing themselves in harm’s way.

Our troops have consistently and selflessly laid down both life and limb for the freedom of the Iraqi people. They have, also, done the same for back-biting US Senators and Congressional Representatives. One of these senators, Schumer, has now taken this viciousness to a new and unprecedented level—even for him.

On 5 September, Sen. Schumer blasted and severely denigrated our troops; troops that are also protecting this less-than-worthy-of-protection blowhard and traitor wannabee. I believe he succeeded.

On the surge—which again Democrats who have actually been to Iraq say is working—Schumer spat:

“This is a policy of last resort! This is a policy of desperation!”

Working hard on his attempt to rewrite recent history, Schumer continued his diatribe with:

“And let me be clear: the violence in Anbar has gone down despite the surge, not because of the surge!” CONTINUED

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Just a reminder that Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were the only two who voted against censuring Achmadinijahd.

Students Raised Deputy's Suspicions

By GRETCHEN PARKER The Tampa Tribune

MONCKS CORNER, S.C. - It all started with a Toyota Camry cruising 15 mph over the speed limit, past newly developed strip malls on a Saturday evening.
A traffic stop followed. Standing on the side of U.S. 176, questioning two young Florida college students from Egypt, was Berkeley County Sheriff's deputy Lamar Blakely.
You never know what's going to happen when you pull over a car, Blakely says. On this night, however, as he talked to Youssef Megahed and Ahmed Mohamed, he had a hunch. Something, he thought, wasn't right.
"It's all instinctive. You get a gut feeling," Blakely said in an interview with The Tampa Tribune. "You start getting into inconsistent stories, mixed with other things that don't add up to the original story, and everything begins to put up a red flag."
Within 35 minutes, homeland security flags were raised. The FBI was summoned and immigration authorities - along with bomb technicians - were on the way. A half-mile of the four-lane highway was sealed off, from Wal-Mart down to the Kingdom Hall, until about 7 a.m.

Situation Raised Suspicions

The Untold Story of Delta Flight 1824

From Orlando Fun to Islamic Paradise? Airline threats very real

Investigation by Douglas J. Hagmann, Director od HomelandSecurity.US
The passengers aboard Delta Airlines Flight 1824 flying out of Orlando International Airport last Thursday at 7:15 a.m. heard the following statement over the intercom as they were preparing to taxi onto the runway on their way to Atlanta, Georgia:
Ladies and gentlemen, we have been informed that there is “a credible security risk with this aircraft” and we are returning to the terminal.
Delta Flight 1824 was scheduled to take off at 7:15 a.m. on September 6, 2007, but did not take off until 10:19 – three hours and 5 minutes behind schedule, landing in Atlanta without incident at 11:52 a.m. This report could have been quite different had it not been for the great work by security officials on-site at the Orlando airport. The events that led to the delay might never have seen the light of day had it not been for those special people who care about bringing the honest truth of the Islamic terrorist threat to the public.
If you rely on official government statements and the major media, the entire incident involving Flight 1824 was “benign” and was never a security risk. It involved 12 people from two families, all of Middle Eastern origin, reportedly carrying suspicious items in their luggage. Again, if you rely on official government statements and the major media, the “suspicious items” inside of checks luggage turned out to be “a bottle that had been covered with tape to prevent leaking.”
"It was all benign," said Dave Couvertier, the FBI agent from the Tampa, Florida Orlando FBI office. The flight ultimately took off about 10:20 a.m. without the two families, who were still undergoing FBI questioning at that time. They were ultimately released, stated FBI spokesman Couvertier. Knowing the series of events that caused the abrupt turnaround of Flight 1824, let’s see how “benign” this incident really was.
Hardly Benign: What really happened?


The United American Committee is currently assisting in a heated battle to get the vastly important ABC mini-series 'The Path to 9-11' released on DVD as it should be. This high budget and spectacular mini-series exposes the bureaucracy and the political correctness in Washington that gets in the way of protecting America from Islamic militants regardless of which political party is in charge. Disney is now holding back on releasing the film on DVD due to its controversial nature. As you may recall it was a fight to even get them to air the film on ABC over a year ago. This will be an immensely successful item when it does hit the market, and we need your help to contact the Disney officials below right away to politely urge them to release the film on DVD.
Please contact the following, and we ask that you please remain tactful and polite when requesting that they release the film 'The Path to 9-11' on DVD. Even if you have not seen it, that is all the more reason to contact them because you wish to see it made available:
E-mails of key people at Disney/ABC:
  • (president of the whole deal)
  • (Chief Counsel and heavily involved) (corporate publicity)
  • (president of abc network)
  • (the responsible exec)
  • (president of touchstone tv)
  • (oversees Disney/ABC cable neworks)
  • Also, the Disney switchboard line can connect you to the offices of any of the individuals listed below. The switchboard phone is: (818) 560-1000

Do not delay! Contact the above today and urge them to release the DVD!Every e-mail sent can make the difference.

Iran Guilty: Attacked America in 1983

From The Atlas Shrugs Website
Finally, official recognition that Iran declared war on America back in ' 83 when they murdered 241 Marines in Beirut in what was the single largest non nuclear explosion since World War II. I thought Reagan was wrong then, and I still think he was wrong. Whether he understood Islamic jihad or not, we were attacked and he should have responded with unforgiving force. FACT. We wouldn't be in the straits we are in now incapable of defining ourselves, icapable of defending our Western beliefs, and spastic in our approach to winning this war with an enemy who has nothing, NOTHING, except self confidence and a very real understanding of who they are. Pure evil.

Iran fined $2.65 billion for ’83 Beirut bombing MSNBC hat tip HelenJudge awards sum to families of U.S. service members killed in barracks
WASHINGTON - Iran must pay $2.65 billion to the families of the 241 U.S. service members killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, a federal judge declared Friday in a ruling that left survivors and families shedding tears of joy.
U.S. District Judge Royce C. Lamberth described his ruling as the largest-ever such judgment by an American court against another country. "These individuals, whose hearts and souls were forever broken, waited patiently for nearly a quarter century for justice to be done," he said.
Iran has been blamed for supporting the militant group Hezbollah, which carried out the suicide bombing in Beirut. It was the worst terrorist act against U.S. targets until the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.
Iran is Hezbollah. They fight by proxy, by Iranian foreign legion. Then and now.
PHOTO: Family members of service members killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, from left, Valerie Giblin, Tiffany Giblin, Darlene Hairston, and her daughter Sherry Johnson, stand outside the U.S. District Court House in Washington on Friday after a federal judge ruled Iran must pay in the bombing. Atlas Shrugs Website

Nazi Inspired Islamic Jew Hatred Tied to September 11th

by Matthias Küntzel , Weekly Standard

The idea of using suicide pilots to obliterate the skyscrapers of Manhattan originated in 1940s Berlin. "In the latter stages of the war, I never saw Hitler so beside himself as when, as if in a delirium, he was picturing to himself and to us the downfall of New York in towers of flame," wrote Albert Speer in his diary. "He described the skyscrapers turning into huge burning torches and falling hither and thither, and the reflection of the disintegrating city in the dark sky."

Not only Hitler's fantasy but also his plan of action foreshadowed September 11: He envisioned having kamikaze pilots fly light aircraft packed with explosives and with no landing gear into Manhattan skyscrapers. The drawings for the Daimler-Benz Amerikabomber from the spring of 1944 show giant four-engine planes with raised undercarriages for transporting small bombers. The bombers would be released shortly before the planes reached the East Coast, after which the mother plane would return to Europe.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

UN Human Rights Chief takes Front row seat to hear Ahmadinejad in Tehran

By Anne Bayefsky
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Louise Arbour, traveled to Iran this week to take a front row seat and listen attentively to Holocaust-denier Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The occasion was billed as a human rights meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), currently chaired by Cuba.While Arbour was hobnobbing with anti-semites, butchers and anti-democratic forces from around the world, Iranians were being prepared for public hangings. Arbour was reported by the Islamic Republic News Agency as having "expressed pleasure with being at the NAM meeting and described Iran's representation office in the UN in Geneva as "very good." In an unusual move, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has so far neglected to put her official statement on their website.

Tehran, Iran, Sep. 03, 2007 - UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour attends what was billed as a human rights conference in Tehran.

SITE Transcript and Video Link to Bin Laden Video (Updated)

By Jeffrey Imm

"All praise is due to Allah, who built the heavens and earth in justice, and created man as a favor and grace from Him. And from His ways is that the days rotate between the people, and from His Law is retaliation in kind: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and the killer is killed. And all praise is due to Allah, who awakened His slaves' desire for the Garden, and all of them will enter it except those who refuse. And whoever obeys Him alone in all of his affairs will enter the Garden, and whoever disobeys Him will have refused."
"As for what comes after: Peace be upon he who follows the Guidance. People of America: I shall be speaking to you on important topics which concern you, so lend me your ears. I begin by discussing the war which is between us and some of its repercussions for us and you."

Exclusive: The Story Behind the German Terror Plot

Richard Esposito Reports (ABC):
German anti-terrorist police maintained silence for 10 months as a team of about 1,000 officers built the case against a cell of alleged homegrown terrorists that ended with their arrests as they began mixing a "witches' brew" of homemade explosives, ABC News has learned.
According to ABC News sources, the surveillance of the three suspects that began in December 2006 included observations of them at Hanau and Frankfurt airports as well as at the U.S. Ramstein Air Base and the nightclubs and bars surrounding it.

CIA Director Hayden Warns of New al-Qaida Attacks

Author: Stewart Stogel

In a rare public address CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden warned of new attacks by al Qaeda. (Getty)

NEW YORK -- In a rare public address CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden warned of new attacks by al-Qaida:
"Our analysts assess with high confidence that al-Qaida's central leadership is planning high-impact plots against the U.S. homeland." Hayden's unusual public address was made at his request at the Council of Foreign Relations.
The newly minted CIA chief also took the unusual step of making his appearance in military uniform, though as CIA director he is not on active military assignment. [Editor's Note: During the next emergency, Homeland Security says you must have this - go here now.]

Friday, September 7, 2007

Lights on in memory of 9/11

On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 everyone in the USA who
will be driving a motor vehicle is asked to drive with their headlights
on during daylight hours.

Though no explanation is needed as to why we
are commemorating September 11, we hope more importantly to pay respect to the victims of that day, show our nation's solidarity and show support for our men and women of the Armed Forces. You can help by emailing this message on to others!


LIGHTS ON.....9/11

Great debate between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee. You decide

U.S. Congressman and Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich: The U.S. Must Pay Reparations to the People of Iraq

Kusinich bends over
and claims that the USA must pay reparations to Iraq. Wants the American
tax payers to drop to their knees. What a disgusting exhibit.
Make your own decisions on Kusinichs' pathetic apologistic interview. He
praises president Asad of Syria and demonizes America.


Cal State Fresno's Middle East Studies Project Raises Red Flags


California State University, Fresno (CSUF) is in the process of developing The Middle East Studies Project, a collection of interdisciplinary courses that, by 2009, it hopes to offer as a minor in Middle East studies.

But, already, some in the Fresno community are raising red flags about what direction CSUF's Middle East Studies Project will take. Considering the biased nature of Middle East studies departments across the country – and California is no exception – their concerns are not unwarranted.


UAC Action Alert

WHAT: Infidel rally 2007! (Counter protest of Islamist parade)
WHEN: Sunday, September 9th, 12:00 Noon
WHERE: New York City, Madison & 41st street to Madison & 23rd.
The United American Committee, America’s largest educational grassroots organization against the threat of radical Islam, is planning a counter protest on Sunday, September 9th of an annual parade in New York City which in years past has attracted thousands of Islamist extremists carrying signs and chanting for the destruction of America.
The parade, titled the Annual Muslim Day Parade, is sponsored by several Islamist organizations deemed by many Americans to be radical and a danger to freedom. Past parades have included such extremists as Ashrafuzzaman Khan, accused death squad leader, as well as Siraj Wahhaj, unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
The Parade route will head South, starting at Madison & 41st street and ends at Madison & 23rd. The parade starts at 12 Noon. UAC is urging all concerned Americans to join with them and several other unannounced partner organizations for a peaceful demonstration. Attendees are urged to bring American and U.A.C. flags. For those wishing to attend, and for more information please contact newyork@unitedamericancommittee.orgREMEMBER THIS IS HAPPENING JUST DAYS BEFORE 9-11, AND ONLY A SHORT DISTANCE FROM GROUND ZERO...

Germany Mulls Terror Training As Crime


By Melissa Eddy

BERLIN (AP) — German state security officials urged the government Friday to make training at a terror camp a crime, following a foiled bomb plot by alleged Islamic radicals believed to have undergone paramilitary training in Pakistan.

Authorities continued investigating people suspected of providing support to three suspected terrorists — arrested earlier this week — in their plans to carry out massive bombings on airports and other institutions in Germany.

The concentration was on seven suspects, both in and outside Germany, five of whom were known to police, federal prosecutors spokesman Andreas Christeleit said Thursday. He did not elaborate.

In a raid Tuesday on a vacation residence in the central German town of Oberschledorn, police said they arrested two German converts to Islam and a Turkish citizen in possession of military-style detonators and enough material to make bombs more powerful than those that killed 191 commuters in Madrid in 2004 and 52 in London in 2005.

While the case has highlighted the effectiveness of existing German security measures, it also has triggered calls for tougher security laws, including criminalizing training at a terror camp and allowing use of the Internet to spy on suspects' computers. CONTINUED

Kucinich visits Syria, shuns U.S. troops

Praises Assad, blasts Bush: 'I don't want to bless that occupation with my presence'

By WorldNet Daily

After praising Syria following a meeting in Damascus with President Bashar Assad, Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich declared he will not visit troops in Iraq during his Middle East tour because he considers the American military presence in Iraq to be illegal.

"I feel the United States is engaging in an illegal occupation .. I don't want to bless that occupation with my presence," Kucinich said in Lebanon, according to the Associated Press. "I will not do it."

The Ohio congressman accused the Bush administration of destabilizing the Middle East and praised Syria for receiving Iraqi refugees.

"What most people are not aware of is that Syria has taken in more than 1.5 million Iraqi refugees," Kucinich said, according to the AP. "The Syrian government has actually shown a lot of compassion in keeping its doors open and being a host for so many refugees."


Almost half of Britain's mosques controlled by hardline jihadist sect

From Jihad Watch

"You can’t run multiculturalism like that, because that’s a way of destroying yourself," says Khaled Ahmed, and he is right. The Deobandis just forbade photography. And they are the sect to which the Taliban belongs. They teach hatred of Jews and Christians and the Islamic supremacist notion that unbelievers must ultimately be subjugated under the rule of Islamic law. Tiny Minority of Extremists™ Update: "Hardline takeover of British mosques," by Andrew Norfolk in the TimesOnline (thanks to Twostellas):

Almost half of Britain’s mosques are under the control of a hardline Islamic sect whose leading preacher loathes Western values and has called on Muslims to “shed blood” for Allah, an investigation by The Times has found.

Riyadh ul Haq, who supports armed jihad and preaches contempt for Jews, Christians and Hindus, is in line to become the spiritual leader of the Deobandi sect in Britain. The ultra-conservative movement, which gave birth to the Taleban in Afghanistan, now runs more than 600 of Britain’s 1,350 mosques, according to a police report seen by The Times.

The Times investigation casts serious doubts on government statements that foreign preachers are to blame for spreading the creed of radical Islam in Britain’s mosques and its policy of enouraging the recruitment of more “home-grown” preachers.

Mr ul Haq, 36, was educated and trained at an Islamic seminary in Britain and is part of a new generation of British imams who share a similar radical agenda. He heaps scorn on any Muslims who say they are “proud to be British” and argues that friendship with a Jew or a Christian makes “a mockery of Allah’s religion”.

Seventeen of Britain’s 26 Islamic seminaries are run by Deobandis and they produce 80 per cent of home-trained Muslim clerics. Many had their studies funded by local education authority grants. The sect, which has significant representation on the Muslim Council of Britain, is at its strongest in the towns and cities of the Midlands and northern England.

Figures supplied to The Times by the Lancashire Council of Mosques reveal that 59 of the 75 mosques in five towns – Blackburn, Bolton, Preston, Oldham and Burnley – are Deobandi-run.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

The banality of evil: Osama tanned, rested, ready, and sporting a boss dye job

From Jihad Watch

The SITE Institute announced, and then pulled, notice that a new Osama video was in the offing -- so that video may or may not be forthcoming.
But Hot Air got a photo from it before it was pulled, featuring a very shahhhp Osama with beard trimmed and hair dyed so black that it makes him look as if he's ready to hit the gaming tables at Caesar's Palace.
What? Why not henna dye, in imitation of the Prophet? Why, it's -- it's bid'a! (That is, innovation, which is haram -- forbidden.)


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