The fight to beat back a very onerous cigar tax is heating up as a deadline of October 1st draws near. Can you help us? Today is national fax day in an effort to let our legislators know our displeasure with the proposed increase of $3 per cigar. If possible, please take a minute and let your legislator know your feelings. Every message is important. Thank you.
Liberty Tobacco
Liberty Tobacco
Thursday, September 20 is National Fax Day! Fax your Senators and Congressmen and urge them NO NEW CIGAR TAXES!
Let's Hit Congress Hard and Fast!
Take Action!
Thursday September 20-- Fax Your Senators and Congressmen!
Stop the Federal Cigar Tax!
Congress has decided on a framework for the Federal Cigar Tax proposal, but much work is left to finalize the legislation. Opportunities exist for further compromise.
As part of an inter-industry coordinated assault on Capitol Hill, September 20 will be NATIONAL FAX DAY to Congress. Spread the word! Let's him 'em hard and fast!
Let's Hit Congress Hard and Fast!
Take Action!
Thursday September 20-- Fax Your Senators and Congressmen!
Stop the Federal Cigar Tax!
Congress has decided on a framework for the Federal Cigar Tax proposal, but much work is left to finalize the legislation. Opportunities exist for further compromise.
As part of an inter-industry coordinated assault on Capitol Hill, September 20 will be NATIONAL FAX DAY to Congress. Spread the word! Let's him 'em hard and fast!
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